“We use the power of creativity, media, and entertainment to drive growth and create meaningful change

"You cannot bore people into buying your product; you can only interest them in buying it."David Ogilvy

At Likemedia, we specialize in quality content and exclusive events for brands, companies, and institutions.We are passionate about the power of creativity to inspire, excite, and connect.

Transforming Ideas into Memorable Experiences: We strive to elevate brands to new heights, driving innovation and excellence in every project. With a focus on creativity, innovation, and collaboration, we believe in challenging the conventional and continuously seeking new ways to surprise and captivate our audience.


Immersive Brand Experiences:

Design and execution of unique and immersive brand experiences that captivate your audience and leave a lasting impression.
Organization of extraordinary events that reflect the essence and values of your brand.
Expert advice and tailor-made solutions to address the specific challenges of your business and capitalize on new opportunities.


Resonate with your audience:

Development of comprehensive brand strategies that resonate with your audience and differentiate your business in a competitive market.
Strategic management of brand identity to ensure coherence and relevance across all touchpoints.
Comprehensive brand reputation management and public relations to build a strong and positive image.


Innovation and Creativity:

Creation of impactful communication campaigns that tell memorable stories and make a lasting impact. In-depth market and competitor analysis to identify key insights and emerging trends.
Development of innovative ideas and creative strategies that challenge the conventional and make a significant impact. Creative collaboration and teamwork to drive creativity and innovation in every project.

Academia Nacional de Bellas Artes - Banco Mundial - Bienal Borges Kafka - Centro Cultural Recoleta  BMG - Cancillería Argentina - Centro Cultural del Bicentenario Sgo. Del Estero - Daniel Maman Fine Art BA y Miami - Disney Bubble - Endeavor Argentina  Fundación Klemm - Fondo Nacional de las Artes - Fundación Proa | Gpo. Techint - Gowland Publicidad - Grupo Lowestein  ICANA - Mangiantini Aberturas - Murvi SA - Museo de Arte Contemporaneo BA - Museo de Arte Moderno BA - Museo de Arte de Tigre - Olivares de Pomán - Pampa Furniture LA California  Pervinox - Piren Tiempo Compartido - Revista ayd | Uruguay - Sancor Seguros - Grupo Solanas   Sony Music - Time Out Ltd. | Londres - Turner Argentina: CNN - Glitz - TNT - Cartoon Nerwork - Volvo

Why Choose Us? Team of passionate professionals and experts in their field.Client-centric approach and measurable results.Boundless creativity and commitment to innovation.Close collaboration and transparency at every stage of the project.Let's Make Your Brand Shine!Contact us today to start turning your vision into reality and take your brand to the next level.

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